E.T. Surf

904 Aviation Blvd. Hermosa Beach

When I got out of my car there was a shaggy blonde headed guy with a squirt gun hiding behind a trash can apparently waiting for someone to come out the front door. We gave each other a nod as I scooted past in silence. Once inside I could see that there was no one anywhere near the door and for all I know that guy is still there waiting.

There was a man behind the counter going through some papers who greeted me and said I should give a shout if I need help with anything. I didn’t. He seemed fine with that.

The rafters house the requisite vintage boards along with faded wetsuits and the walls are covered with old posters and scribbled papers. Regular surf shop stuff. But ET also has a South Coast section that sets it apart from the others.

The South Bay is LA, not OC, and ET has a whole section for that.

I am neither one of those places so I didn’t buy anything.

But then again, I rarely ever do.

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